Stategic Influence Handbook 2016

130 131 THALES GROUP INTERNAL THALES GROUP INTERNAL GMF (G erman M arshal F und of the United States ) 1744 R Street NW Washington, DC 20009 United States Phone: +1 202 683 2650 https: / / INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, SECURITY, TRADE AND INVESTMENT, REGIONAL POLICY Founded in 1972 by Guido GOLDMAN as a non-partisan, nonprofit organization through a gift from Ger- many as a permanent memorial to Marshall Plan assistance, GMF maintains a strong presence on both sides of the Atlantic. In addition to its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has offices in Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara, Bucharest, and Warsaw. • 8 International Offices: Ankara; Belgrade; Berlin; Brussels; Bucharest; Paris; Warsaw; Washington Research programs • Alliance for Securing Democracy : comprehen- sive strategies for government, private sector, and civil society to defend against, deter, and raise the costs on foreign state actors’ efforts to undermine democracy and democratic institu- tions. • Asia Program : pursues the dual goals of deve- loping common U.S.-European approaches to challenges emanating from Asia and building closer U.S.-Europe-Asia partnerships to stren- gthen the liberal international order at a time when it is increasingly contested. • Balkan Trust for Democracy : an initiative that supports democracy, good governance Executives • President: Karen DONFRIED. Former Senior Director for European Affairs on the National Security Coun- cil at the White House, National Intelligence Officer (NIO) for Europe on the National Intelligence Council • Vice President and Chief Financial Officer: Tim CHILDRESS Board of Trustees • Chairman: Robinson J. WEST. Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group • Vice Chairman: Marc GROSSMAN (the Cohen Group) • President: Karen DONFRIED • Chairman Emeritus: Dr Guido GOLDMAIN (GMF Founder) and Marc LELAND • Other members: Rear Admiral John KIRBY (CNN, Military and Diplomatic Analys); Amanda BENNETT (Plitzer Prize-Winning Author); Frank FRIEDMAN (COO, Deloitte); David Ignatus (The Washington Post) • Income: $33,21M in 2018 • Expenses: $28,28M in 2018 • Funding: non-federal grants and contributions, investment income, federal grants Structure & Activités Gouvernance Resources Comments Thales Ranking 40 th GGTTI Ranking 24 th in United States The Wider Atlantic Economy An Integrated Space at Risk March 1, 2019 STRATEGIC INFLUENCE HANDBOOK - US • Since 1982, the Marshall Memorial Fellowship has been the FMG’s flagship program. It aims to involve the new generations of young European and American «decision-makers» (28-40 years old) in transat- lantic relations, by offering them the opportunity to undertake a four-week study trip to the United States and Europe respectively. • Emmanuel Macron was awarded the Marshall Memorial Fellowship. The goal of the GMF is strengthening transatlantic dialogue and cooperation (mainly between the USA and Europe) on regional, national, and global challenges and opportunities in the spirit of the Marshall Plan. Missions • Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation: stren- gthening regional cooperation, civil society • Congressional Affairs : provides opportunities to members of the United States Congress to stay up to date and informed on transatlantic issues. • Digital Innovation & Democracy Initiative : aims to develop strategies that advance innovation and strengthen democratic values • Europe Program : focuses on Europe and its ins- titutions and how they affect the transatlantic re- lationship • Fund for Belarus Democracy : makes support available to citizen initiatives, independent me- dia, and human rights groups, enabling them to resist the pressures of a dictatorial regime • Future of Geopolitics : implements convening and thoughtful analysis regarding the changing global landscape. • Leadership Programs : offers a portfolio of initia- tives for established, mid-career, and next gene- ration leaders who are committed to strengthe- ning transatlantic relations • Mediterranean Program : is the leading transat- lantic platform addressing the implications of the growing interdependence between the Mediter- ranean and adjacent regions • Security and Defense : work comprises a stream of activities that further objective analysis and debate on key security issues facing the transat- lantic community. Urban and Regional Policy : supports leaders, poli- cymakers, and practitioners in the United States and Europe by facilitating the transatlantic exchange of knowledge for building inclusive, sustainable, and globally engaged cities. Last publications • “Containing the US-Turkish Crisis After the S-400s”, By Nicholas Danforth, June 2019 • « A New Alliance Between Poland, Sweden, and the United States for Baltic Security? », By Tomasz Pradzynski, May 2019 • “AI Tool Builders and Their Users: What Should We Expect From the Tools andWho Is Responsible When They Fail? », By Daniel J. Weitzner, Fe- bruary 2019 Events: GMF brings together hundreds of policyma- kers, elected officials, academics, and business lea- ders from around the world to discuss topics from energy to migration, economics to security, urban growth to diplomacy. INDEX