Stategic Influence Handbook 2016

128 129 THALES GROUP INTERNAL THALES GROUP INTERNAL CFR (C ouncil on F oreign R elations ) The Harold Pratt House58 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065 USA Phone: +1 212 434 9400 DEFENCE AND SECURITY, STRATEGY, ECONOMIC, DEVELOPMENT, TECHNOLOGYAND SCIENCES Founded in 1921, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership or- ganization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries. CFR takes no institutional positions on matters of policy. Its scholars contribute to the U.S. foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administra- tion and diplomatic community or testifying before Congress. For instance, the council played a key role in policies such as mutual deterrence, arms control and non-nuclear proliferation. Study topics : Defense & Security ; Diplomacy & In- ternational Institutions; Economics ; Energy & Envi- ronment; Health; Human Rights ; Politics & Govern- ment ; Social Issues Focus on Regions: Americas, Asia, Europe & Eura- sia, Global Commons, Middle East & North Africa, Oceania, Sub-Saharan Africa Centers and programs: Africa Program; Asia Pro- gram; Center for Preventive Action; Civil Society, Markets and Democracy Program; Digital and Cy- berspace Policy Program; Energy Security and Cli- mate Change Program; Europe Program; Global Health Program; Greenberg Center for Geoecono- mic Studies; International Institutions and Global Governance Program; Latin America Studies Pro- gram; Middle East Program; National Security and Defense Program; Renewing America; U.S. Foreign Policy Program; Women and Foreign Policy Program Broadcasting medias • Foreign Affairs: bimonthly influential journal published by the CFR focusing on international affairs and U.S. foreign policy (Last: Vol. 98, No.5, September/October 2019) • 13 specialised blogs: including Africa in transi- tion, Asia Unbound, Energy Realpolitik, Net poli- tics, The Water’s Edge, The Internationalist • Multimedia supports: podcasts (weekly podcast “The World next week”), interactives and videos (CFR-hosted conferences, symposia, etc) Last publications • “Building a Resilient Tomorrow”, Book by Alice Hill and Leonardo Martinez-Diaz, November, 2019 • “Innovation and National Security: Keeping Our Edge”, Task Force Report by Adam Segal, James Manyika, William H. McRaven and Anya Sch- memann, September 2019 • “Securing 5G Networks”, Report by Robert Wil- liams, July 2019 Executives • President: Richard N. HASS. Former State Department Director of Policy Planning, Lead U.S. Official on Afghanistan and Northern Ireland, Principal Middle East Advisor to President George H.W. Bush • Vice President and Chief Financial Officer: Keith OLSON Board of directors • Chairman: David M. RUBENSTEIN. Co-Founder and Managing Director of The Carlyle Group, former Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy • Vice Chairman: Blair EFFRONT. Co-Founder, Centerview Partners • Vice Chairman: Jami MISCIK. CEO and Vice chairman, Kissinger Associates Membership: 4 900 individuals with a corporate program including 170 firms • Revenues: $73M in 2018 • Expenses: $51,27M in 2018 One way CFR maintains its independence is through a diversity of funding sources. These include member dues; annual giving by members; corporate memberships; Foreign Affairs magazine (subscriptions, adverti- sing, events); grants from foundations, corporations, and individuals; investment returns from its endowment; and rental income from outside use of CFR’s New York and Washington facilities. Structure & Activités Gouvernance Resources Comments Thales Ranking 22 nd GGTTI Ranking 17 th Worldwide US and Non US / 11 th Def and Secu Resources for Newsrooms - January 2019 STRATEGIC INFLUENCE HANDBOOK - US VIP members • Madeleine K. ALBRIGHT: Former U.S. Secretary of State • Kofi ANNAN: Former Secretary-General of the United Nations • Zoë BAIRD: President of the Markle Foundation, former Member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board • Nicholas R. BURNS: Former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Ambassador to NATO • Tarja HALONEN: Former President of Finland “The mission is to be a resource and a source of ideas, and to provide analysis and background to help people understand the world.” — Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations Missions INDEX