Stategic Influence Handbook 2016

124 125 THALES GROUP INTERNAL THALES GROUP INTERNAL Brookings Institution 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC 20036 USA Phone: 202.797.6000 DEFENCE, SECURITY, ECONOMICS, BUSINESS AND FINANCE, INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, JUSTICE AND LAW Founded in 1916 by the businessman Robert S. BROOKINGS, the Brookings Institution is a public policy think tank. It was the first think tank in the USA to dedicate itself to governance issues on a national scale. Originally created to provide recommendations on how to improve Federal State Governance, the Brookings moved on to other subjects, thanks to the great historical events that shook the 20th century. For example, during WW2 it actively participated to the debates on post-war political re-building. Since 1945, the think tank recentered on its core research field focusing on improving federal governance and efficiency of public policies. Today, it puts an emphasis on topics related to the place of USA in the world and the leads to kee- ping its superpower status on the international scene. • International offices: 3 foreign operational centers: Qatar, India, and China • Ranked 1st top think tank worldwide (U.S. and non-U.S.) in 2018, according to the 2018 Global Go To Think Tank report Research topics • Economic studies: economic growth, stability in the financial system, regulatory policy, care act, fiscal and monetary policy • Foreign policy: new geopolitics, Iran nuclear deal, North Korea, nuclear program, U.S.-China rela- tionship, transatlantic relations • Global Economy and Development: drivers of sustainable growth, inclusive growth in Africa, innovation in education, sustainable development goals, emerging markets, foreign aid, foreign direct investment, clean energy, climate change, environmental regulation, natural disasters, nuclear energy • Governance studies: digital economy, liberal democracy, rising populism, transparency, corruption, im- migration, political polarization, religion and politics, voters • President: John R. ALLEN. Former U.S. Marine Corps four-star general and former commander of the NATO international Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and U.S. Forces in Afghanistant • Executive Vice-President: Ted GAYER. Former Vice President and Director of the Economic Studies pro- gram • Co-Chairman: Glenn HUTCHINS • Co-Chairman: Suzanne N. JOHNSON. Former Vice Charman Goldman Sachs & Co. • Staff: more 300 experts • Income: $117M in 2017 • Expenses: $97,9M in 2017 (21% economic studies, 22% foreign policy, 16% global economy and development) • Funding: 83% gifts and grants, 4% miscellaneous, 2% publications, 11% Endowment • VIP fellows • Salam Fayyad: Former prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, Former Palestinian Authority’s Finance Minister • Jean-David LEVITTE: Former French Ambassador to the USA, French Permanent Representative to the UN, former Senior Diplomatic Advisor • Shivshankar MENON: Former Indian National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister , Indian Forei- gn secretary • Sadako OGATA: Former President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, UN High Com- missioner for refugees • Javier SOLANA: Former Secretary-General of NATO, Secretary-General of the Council of the EU • Political stance: described as liberal and at times centrist Structure & Activités Gouvernance Resources Comments Thales Ranking 17 th GGTTI Ranking 1 st think tank Worldwide / 4 th Def and Secu 8th annual Municipal Finance Conference STRATEGIC INFLUENCE HANDBOOK - US • Metropolitan policy program: inclusive digital economy, modern workplace, millennial generation, cities as center of trade and global economy, suburban poverty, demographics, infrastructure • Defence and security: arms control, U.S. defence budget, U.S. defence strategy, NATO, Guantánamo, drones, homeland security, intelligence Geopolitical watch and prospective study on: Asia, CEI, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East/North Africa Presidential Research program: the future of the global middle class, artificial intelligence, emerging techno- logies, American leadership in the 21 century Broadcasting medias • Brookings Paper on Economic Activity (BPEA): bi-annual journal published by the Brookings Institution focusing on economic policy (Last: Fall 2016 Ed) • Economia: semiannual journal published by the Brookings Institution focusing on policy issues in Latin America and the Caribbean (Last: Vol. 17, Master. 2, Spring 2017) • Behavioral Science and Policy (BSP): journal published by the Brookings Insitution on broad and diverse topics ranging from health care to energy, to education and culture, etc (Last: Vol. 2, Issue 1, November 2016) • 16 specialised blogs: including Order from Chaos (foreign policy in a troubled world), PlanetPolicy (in- tersection of energy and climate policy), Future Development (economics to end poverty), etc Last publications • “Divided Politics, Divided Nation” Darrel M. West, Brookings Institution Press, 2019 • “Nationalism” Liah Greenfeld, Brookings Institution Press, 2019 • “Tectonic Politics” Nigel Gould-Davies, Brookings Institution Press, 2019 INDEX