Stategic Influence Handbook 2016

122 123 THALES GROUP INTERNAL THALES GROUP INTERNAL CSIS (C entre for S trategic and I nternational S tudies ) 1616 Rhode Island Avenue NW Washington DC 20036 USA Phone: 202-887-0200 DEFENCE AND SECURITY, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ENERGYAND CLIMATE CHANGE Founded in 1962 at the height of the Cold War by the Admiral Arleigh BURKE and David ABSHIRE, the Centre for Strategic Studies (CSIS) is a foreign policy think tank. Since its birth, the CSIS has been at the forefront of solutions concerning foreign policy and national security problems of the day. The centre initially focused on defence, security or regional stability issues but recently broadened its expertise to include tran- sational challenges issues such as energy and climate, economic integration or global development. The CSIS has an important influence on U.S. politics. For example, in 1998 a research report from its retirement commission became the bipartisan benchmark of the Social Security reform debate. Research program • Defense and security: acquisition and resources, homeland security, international security, military strategy • Economic development and reconstruction: development policy, disaster risk reduction, food and water • Energy and sustainability: alternative energy, markets and trends, security and climate change • Global health: global health diplomacy, global health policy, HIV/AIDS • Governance: corruption, strategic vision for U.S.-Japan alliance, etc • Human rights: human trafficking, counterterrorism, peacekeeping operations • Cybersecurity and Technology: cybersecurity, space, technology policy • Economics: global food security, international business, etc Executives • President and CEO: John J HAMRE. Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defence and Controller of the De- partment of Defence • Executive Vice President: Craig COHEN. Former Deputy Chief of Staff in the Post-Conflict Reconstruction Project of the CSIS International Security Program Board of trustees • Chairman: Sam NUNN. Former Democrat Senator of Georgia, current Co-Chairman of the Nuclear Threat Initiative • Chairman: Thomas J. PRITZKER. Chairman and CEO of Pritzker Org • Staff: 220 full time members • Experts : 100 of the world’s top experts • Income: $44,2M in 2018 (36% from corporate grants & contributions, 25% foundation grants, 23% government, 11% individual contributions, 3% endowment draw) • Expenses: $44.3M in 2018 (72% Program expenses, 21% Management & General, 7% Development) • Thales USA is a corporate donor of the CSIS (in the $35 000 – $64 999 category) in the general pro- gram research area and in the national security/international security policy area VIP members • Joseph S. Jr. NYE: Professor, Inventor of the “soft power” concept, Founding Father with R. Keohane of the new liberal theory in international relations • Henry A. KISSINGER: Former U.S. Secretary of State, U.S. National Security Advisor, Nobel prize, Member of the Trilateral Commission • Zbigniew K. BRZEZINSKI: Former U.S. National Security Advisor, U.S. Counselor, Member of the Trila- teral Commission International partnerships • Founding member of: the ASEAN Institutes of Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN ISIS), the Coun- cil for Asia Europe Cooperation (CAEC), the Council for Security Cooperation in Asia Pacific (CSCAP) • Active role in: the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) Structure & Activités Gouvernance Resources Comments Thales Ranking 13 th GGTTI Ranking 1 st Def and Secu / 2 nd in United States Providing training in leadership, ethics, and foreign policy STRATEGIC INFLUENCE HANDBOOK - US Geographic regions programs: East Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe, Middle East, Russia and Eurasia Broadcasting medias • The Washington Quarterly: flagship journal published by the CSIS focusing on global strategic trends and their policy implications (Last: Summer 2013) • Critical Questions: short analysis series published by the CSIS focusing on top international issues (Last: Nov 2015) • The Freeman Report Newsletter: foreign policy periodical published by the CSIS focusing on economics and international security in Asia and China since the 1970s • New Perspectives in Foreign Policy: journal published by the CSIS focusing on international affairs (Last: Vol. 9, Summer 2015) Last publications • “Where are the Northern Triangle Countries Headed? And What is US Policy”, Mark Schneider, Mi- chael Matera, CSIS Report, August 2019 • “Acquisition of Software-Defined Hardware-Based Adaptable Systems”, Andrew Philip Hunter, CSIS Report, August 2019 • “A Global History of the Twentieth Century”, Michael Green, Nicolas Szechenyi, CSIS Book, February 2017 INDEX