Stategic Influence Handbook 2016

108 109 THALES GROUP INTERNAL THALES GROUP INTERNAL CDA Institute (C onference of D efence A ssociations ) 75 Albert Street, suite 900, K1P 5E7, Ottawa, ON CANADA Phone: +1 (613) 236 9903 DEFENCE, SECURITY Founded in 1932, the Conference of Defence Association Institue (CDA Institute) is a defence and security think tank. The CDA insitute is the oldest advocacy group in Canada’s defence community representing 52 associations across Canada. The think tank’s goal is promoting and informing public debate, with a particu- lar focus on national security, defence issues and the role played by the Canadian Armed Forces. The CDA institute has an important impact on defence policies in Canada given the recommendations it makes to the Government of Canada through the Minister of National Defence, various Parliamentary Committees and other appropriate channels. • Emphasis on: defence and security • Other research themes: national sovereignty, individual liberty and freedom, and developments around the globe which affect the peace and security of Canada Broadcasting medias: • On Track: journal published by the CDAI focusing on defence, security and strategic issues having an impact on Canadian strategic interests (Last: Vol. 24, Summer 2019) • Vimy Papers: annual studies published on a regular basis by the CDAI focusing on one specific critical strategic defence and security issue (Last: No.42, June 2019) • The Forum: the CDAI’s blog focusing on issues related to the Canadian Armed Forces, Canada’s security and defence policy and international security issues Last publications: • “The Next Generation Fighter Capability Annual Update as Reviewed by KPMG”, By George Petrolekas & David Perry, CDAI Analysis, Nov 2019 Events: • 14 th Defence and Security Economics Workshop, 24-25 Oct 2019, Carleton University • Conference on Security and Defence 2020: 4-5 March 2010, Fairmont Chateau Laurier, Ottawa • The Vimy Gala: Established in 1991, the Vimy Award recognizes a Canadian who has made a signifi- cant and outstanding contribution to the defence and security of the nation and the preservation of the democratic values. • Income and expenses: unknown • Strategic donators: Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, KPMG, ADGA Board of Directors: • Chairman: Guy R. THIBAULT, Former Vice Chief of the Defence Staff • Other members: Michel GAUTHIER (Former Commander of the Canadian expeditionary Force Com- mand); Louise MERCIER (Vice President & Group Leader H+K Strategies Defence Procurement); Hcol Chiko NANJI (Group Chief Executive Officer and founder of Metro Supply Chain Group); David PRATT; Elinor SLOAN; Marquis HAINSE; Richard B. FADDEN; David FRASER; Drew ROBERTSON • Executive Director: Youri CORMIER • Link with the Canadian Defence Association: The Institute provides direct research and support to the Canadian Defence Association Structure & Activités Ressources Governance Comments Thales Ranking 40 th 14 th Defence and Security Economics Workshop The institute produce peer-reviewed, evidence-based research and analysis on Canadian defence and inter- national security. The CDA Istitute brings together academia, government, and industry into the conversation through their flagship Expert Series and Ottawa Conference on Security & Defence. • Aims to shape Tomorrow’s Security & Defence Leaders Missions STRATEGIC INFLUENCE HANDBOOK - INTERNATIONAL INDEX